Rulings Compilation

I said "in progress" and I ment it. Eventually, this will include multipe years of rulings along with hyperlinks to help your search. Until then visit the site often, it will have changes quite often. And use what I do have here, that's what it's for anyway.

     What are Abigail's abilities in or out of battle? When she is in play (but not in
     battle) she is at 4/7. When she enters the Field of Battle her SA activates and she
     increases to 4/13. (Source #8, 8/8/01) 

Angel of Deliverance-
     If Angel of Deliverance targets the Psalm 1:4 Lost Soul which is in the same site as
     a captured hero, may the rescuer decide to return that captured hero and rescue the
     lost soul, or even just return that captured hero? Angel of Deliverance can rescue a
     Lost Soul OR return a captured hero to his territory.  But, not both. 
       (Source #13, 9/18/01) 

     Does Apollos have the ability to band to Paul? No (Source #8, 8/2/01)

Chastisement of the Lord-
     If a character is set-aside with Chastisement of the Lord and a normal set-aside does
     Chastisement of the Lord force the hero to return after four turns or can he remain
     set-aside longer? The hero must return (Source #13, 9/18/01)
	See: Set-Aside

     There are two Davids, green and red. May both be in play at the same time? No 
     because David is a unique character (Source #8, 8/17/01) 
      See: Unique Character

Dragon Raid-
     Can I place a Lost Soul/Character taken prisoner in Dragon Raid or New Jerusalem(S)
     to keep it from being shuffled back when the Ezekiel 31:14 Lost Soul is rescued? Yes 
       (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Lost Soul-Ezekiel 31:14

Emperor Nero-
     Emperor Nero is immune to lone heroes. Only a rescue attempt of 2 or more heroes can
     be successful. Does that mean 2 or more hero cards are necessary, or can a single
     card with plural characters, like Elders of Jerusalem, do the job? It must be two
     different hero cards (Source #8, 8/11/01)
      See: Immunity

Ethiopian Treasurer-
     Q. If I have run out of a draw pile, can Ethiopian Treasurer still play the next
        enhancement? No, but he could search the discard pile
     Q. When Ethiopian Treasurer attacks, at what point does he search and lay enhancement
        card? Before the evil character enters battle
     Q. If Ethiopian Treasurer attacks and plays Reach of Desperation or Great Faith, does
        the evil character enter before or after the second enhancement is played? After
        the second enhancement is played
       (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: If...Then Abilities

Frog Demons-
     Is Frog Demons(Promo) like Saul in that he is a New Testament character but does not
     have a New Testament reference? Yes (Source #13, 9/18/01)

Gathering of Angels-
     Q. If a hero has been set-aside with Gathering of Angels, and attacks while Household
        Idols is activated, can the hero still band? Yes, the hero may band
       (Source #8, 8/2/01)
     Q. When does Gathering of Angels come back from the set-aside area? 5th turn after
        being activated (Source #13, 9/18/01)
	See: Set-Aside
	See: Banding

Goshen/Kingdoms of the World-
     Q. Can you convert your Saul/Paul while he is in Kingdoms of the World? No, to 
        convert is to affect (Source #8, 8/16/01)
     Q. Can I have one of a unique character in my territory and another of the same
        unique character in Goshen or Kingdoms of the World? No
     Q. Can two of the same unique character be in the same Goshen at the same time? No
     Q. Can two of the same unique character be in different Goshens at the same time? No
       (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Unique Character
      See: Harm and Effect

Great Faith-
     Q. Does Great Faith have to pull a Purple enhancement? No
     Q. What happens if the enhancement is another color? The enhancement would be placed
        in your hand, not in battle
       (Source #8, 8/31/01)
     Q. If Ethiopian Treasurer attacks and plays Reach of Desperation or Great Faith, does
        the evil character enter before or after the second enhancement is played? After
        the second enhancement is played (Source #13, 9/18/01)
	See: Search Cards

Heavenly Trance-
     Is the draw pile shuffled after Heavenly Trance is played, or is it an exception to
     the rule?  This is an exception.(to the always shuffle rule) Next year's local
     tournament card will be another exception.  (Source #8, 8/29/01)
      See: Search Cards

Holy Grail-
     Q. If Holy Grail is interrupted and discarded do the character(s) converted on
        previous turns revert back to evil characters? No
     Q. If Holy Grail is interrupted and discarded does the character converted on that
        turn revert back to an evil character? Yes
     Q. If I have 2 Holy Grails in a 100 card deck can I convert 4 evil characters or
        still just 2? Still just 2
       (Source #13, 9/18/01)

Holy of Holies-
     If Holy of Holies is activated during a battle that includes a numbers character
     already in battle does Holy of Holies interrupt and prevent the numbers ability? No
       (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Prevent Cards

Household Idols-
     If a hero has been set-aside with Gathering of Angels, and attacks while Household
     Idols is activated, can the hero still band? Yes, the hero may band
       (Source #8, 8/2/01)
      See: Banding

Kingdoms of the World- See Goshen/Kingdoms of the World

Locust from the Pit-
     Is Locust from the Pit genderless? Yes (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Genderless

Lost Coin Found-
     Can Lost Coin Found recover an enhancement with no ability scores? For example, could
     it bring back Authority of Christ? Yes (Source #8, 8/8/01)
      See: Search Cards

     Q. Can Luke heal himself? No (Source #8, 8/2/01)
     Q. When can Luke be activated? Luke can only be activated in the Field of Battle
       (Source #8, 8/28/01)
      See: Healing Cards

New Jerusalem(S)- 
     Can I place a Lost Soul/Character taken prisoner in Dragon Raid or New Jerusalem to
     keep it from being shuffled back when the Ezekiel 31:14 Lost Soul is rescued? Yes 
       (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Lost Soul-Ezekiel 31:14

Obedience of Noah-
     Can "Obedience of Noah" pull in an Evil Character from a set-aside area? No
       (Source #8, 8/8/01)

Reach of Desperation-
     If Ethiopian Treasurer attacks and plays Reach of Desperation or Great Faith, does
     the evil character enter before or after the second enhancement is played? After the
     second enhancement is played (Source #13, 9/18/01)

Red Dragon-
     Q. Is Red Dragon harmed or effected when he's ignored? To be ignored is to be
        affected (Source #8, 8/13/01)
     Q. If Red Dragon fights against a human evil character in a battle, is Red Dragon
        immune to the human evil character? No (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Immunity

     Q. Does Apollos have the ability to band to Paul? No (Source #8, 8/2/01)
     Q. Does Paul have access to any site? Yes
     Q. If I attempt with Paul can my opponent block with Saul? No 
       (Source #8, 8/17/01)
     Q. If Saul is converted to Paul, can I place a new Saul in my territory, because he
        has different numbers and card title, or is it still doubles in play? It is still
        doubles in play (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Unique Character

     Can an enhancement banding card band Shamhuth into battle? Yes (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Prevent Cards
      See: Banding

Simon the Magician-
     Q. Is Simon the Magician to be played as though he says "Simon and enhancements
        played with him may not be interrupted and prevented..." ? Yes
     Q. Does Simon the Magician's interrupt and prevent ability take effect if he is
        playing against a single New Testament hero? Yes
     Q. Simon the Magician says "when played against New Testament heroes..." does this
        mean the enhancement on Simon or the character fighting Simon? Simon the Magician's
        special ability refers to NT Heroes, not enhancements.
     Q. What would happen (as far as Simon's ability) if Simon the Magician were to battle
        against banded old and new testament characters? And what if either is a battle by
        the numbers character? If the effect targeted a NT hero, then that effect cannot
        be interrupted, prevented, or negated.
       (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Cannot Cards

Sound the Alarm-
     Can I use Sound the Alarm if I already have two or more Heroes in battle, or is it
     limited to just adding a second Hero? Sound the Alarm can band in any additional hero
       (Source #8, 8/16/01)
      See: Banding

Strength in Weakness-
     Does Strength in Weakness refer to Thorn in the Flesh as a card that will come out in
     a future set or as an idea which would refer to Messenger of Satan? It refers to a
     future card (Source #8, 8/2/01)

The Strong Angel-
     Is The Strong Angel a generic character? Yes (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Generic Characters

Thirty Pieces of Silver-
     If Thirty Pieces of Silver is activated, and a withdraw card is played, is the hero
     discarded? Yes (Source #13, 9/18/01)
      See: Withdraw Cards